Fundraise for Brigadoon

Thank you for considering hosting a fundraising event in support of Brigadoon Village!

Why Fundraise for Brigadoon?
By fundraising for Brigadoon, you are providing children and youth the opportunity to experience adventure, leadership and exceptional fun while building the confidence to take on life’s challenges.
Funds you raise for Brigadoon Village go on to make a huge impact in an extraordinary child’s life.

How to Fundraise for Brigadoon
Fundraising for Brigadoon is now easier than ever with the introduction of our third-party fundraising website!
If fundraising online using our platform, please allow 2-3 business days while we review and approve your event, which will make your fundraising page live. Then, you are ready to start fundraising!
Set up your personal fundraising page here.
If fundraising offline, we ask you to complete our Third-Party Fundraising Agreement and submit it to our team. Once you have completed and submitted your form, please wait 2-3 business days to hear back before finalizing any of your event plans.
If you have any questions, please email us at

The Support You Will Receive
We believe that fun should be a part of everything we do, so we are happy to help in any way we can to ensure your fundraising initiatives are as easy and exceptionally fun as possible!
Be sure to check out our Third-Party Fundraising Guidelines. In this manual, you will find everything you need to know, from planning to wrapping up your event, and lots of tips and tricks, including a step-by-step guide to setting up your personal fundraising page! We even offer some ideas to get those creative juices flowing if you don’t know what to do.
Brigadoon also has a toolkit of materials that you can use, such as logos, printable brochures, fillable posters, and more!
If you have any questions or require any materials, please email us at