Update: How we’re adapting to COVID-19

Our campers have always been our number one priority at Brigadoon. With camper safety and well-being at the heart of all that we do, we are disappointed to share that after gathering input from members of our medical community, our camp partners, and public health officials, we have had to make the difficult decision to not run Brigadoon’s traditional in-person summer camp programs for the 2020 season.
However, this does not mean that we can’t have camp! We have shifted our resources to offer an online virtual program. Our team is hard at work so that we can create an amazing interactive experience for our campers to enjoy. With creativity, the laughter and fun will still happen.
It may seem impossible to imagine a summer without the sounds of joy and laughter at camp, but we know from experience that we can make the magic of Brigadoon happen anywhere. We are excited to be able to offer a different style of camp for our campers. In the coming weeks, we will be announcing our plans on how we’re going to address the transition to a virtual one, what that is going to look like for our campers, what we’re going to be able to offer, and how our campers and their families can still find support, friendship, and connection with Brigadoon.
Our campers and families still need Brigadoon and that is why Brigadoon still needs you. Please consider giving a gift today, so Brigadoon is here tomorrow. DONATE here.
On behalf of all of us here at Brigadoon Village, we appreciate your understanding and support. We work all year to see our campers’ smiling faces running across Flag Pole Field, performing at the talent show, and jumping off the swimming dock, and we cannot wait to do this again in 2021!
Until our incredible camp community can all be together again in-person, take care of yourself, your family, and those around you. We are all in this together.
Yours in Camp,
Anne McGuire, Board Chair David Graham, Executive Director